Desire to have children despite limited fertility

In Germany, almost one in six marriages is involuntarily childless. 30% of the time, the cause lies with the man. In order to bring you and your wife one step closer to your joint desire to have a child, we offer you a diagnostic examination of your ejaculate (spermiogram) to determine your fertility.

We use the spermiogram to determine whether all values are within the normal range. Ejaculate quality deviating from the norm is one of the most common causes of male infertility. The andrological laboratory of the Fertility Center works under clean room conditions according to the latest WHO guidelines.
The tests performed include determination of volume, pH, viscosity of ejaculate, concentration, motility, vitality and shape of spermatozoon.

Optional tests such as the test for sperm autoantibodies (MAR test) or the determination of α-glucosidase activity in the ejaculate can provide additional clues to the cause if fertility restriction is suspected.

What awaits me?

We know the questions you ask yourself on the way to the urologist. That is why it is especially important for us to remove all obstacles for you.
Every 6th marriage, is involuntarily childless. You are not alone with your question.

Hopefully, our three-step process system will make the journey a little easier for you:

  • Ejaculate analysis (spermiogram)
    The examination of your sperm gives us information about your fertility. For this purpose, we need a sample of semen. To be able to do a meaningful examination, you should not have had sexual intercourse or masturbated for four to five days beforehand.
  • With the results of the above examinations, we decide whether further examinations, such as hormone analysis by blood sampling, are necessary. Investigating your fertility will take some time if the cause of a disorder is not immediately apparent. Sometimes further examinations are necessary. Therefore, it is important that you, despite all circumstances, calmly and patiently approach the step to fulfill your desire to have a child.
  • Doctor’s consultation together with the partner to discuss the results and plan the next steps.

Our range of services Andrology

  • Semen processing, semen cryopreservation, semen cryopreservation before tumor treatment in clean room.
  • Freezing of sperm after microsurgical extraction from the testis (testicular sperm extraction “cryo-TESE”).