Treatment costs
The costs for diagnosing the cause of a fertility restriction are covered by your respective health insurance company without exception, if you are appropriately insured.
This is different with therapy. Not all treatments are covered by all health insurance companies. All success-optimizing additional services are not covered, in particular by the statutory and most private health insurance funds.
Cost absorption by
the statutory health insurers
Public health insurances pay 50% of three IVF or ICSI cycles.
Since 01.01.2014, couples with statutory health insurance have had to pay the following co-payments of the basic benefit for treatment and medication:
- for insemination:
Own contribution treatment costs approx. € 110 - for IVF per cycle:
Own contribution treatment costs approx. € 800 - for IVF + ICSI per cycle:
Own contribution treatment costs approx. € 950 - additionally for medications per cycle:
Own contribution € 1,000 or more
Cryopreservation of sperm cells, testicular tissue or fertilized eggs are not covered by either statutory or private health insurance.
Cost optimization method
In principle, optimization procedures are not covered by statutory health insurance.
Cost absorption by
the private health insurance companies
On February 20, 2004, the German Federal Chamber of Physicians published recommendations on analog billing for reproductive medicine in the GOÄ.
Based on this recommendation, the following expense for 6 DCs (variable according to medication use and number of follicles) results for those insured by private insurers without medication costs:
- for IVF per cycle:
approx. € 3,569 - for ICSI per cycle:
additional laboratory costs approx. € 3,196 - Drug costs according to expenditure:
approx. € 1,300 or more with an average stimulation duration of 11 – 13 days. Daily dose of 225 units.

Financial support
On the basis of the federal funding guideline, heterosexual married and unmarried couples who have their main place of residence in Germany and use a reproduction facility there can receive financial support, provided they meet the other requirements of § 27a SGB V.

• Medical diagnosis of infertility
• Certified prospect of success of the fertility treatment
• Exclusive use of egg and sperm cells from the partners
• Prior medical and psychosocial counseling
• Age of the woman between 25 and 40 years, age of the man between 25 and 50 years
Further information can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. (Only available in German.)
Sample invoices
(Only available in German.)
Before the start of treatment, you will receive detailed information sheets and price information on the individual additional services.
Call us to make an appointment at 0721 8246 700