
Optimization procedure

The in-house laboratories offer the highest degree of flexibility and quality. Using all current and established laboratory methods of assisted reproduction, we offer you with the three laboratory areas IVF laboratory, FISH laboratory and hormone laboratory:

  • Verification of tubal patency
    with ultrasound (HyFoSy with ExEm Foam).
  • Freezing of semen samples (FertiLab GmbH)
    Short-term safety cryopreservation
  • Einfrieren von überzähligen Eizellen (FertiLab GmbH)
    Kryokonservierung von Vorkernstadien
  • Assisted hatching
    Partial zona dissection (IR laser-assisted hatching) to assist the early embryo in hatching from the oocyte envelope by thinning.
  • Prolonged culture to blastocyst culture
    Transfer to most natural time point.
  • Seminal plasma flush
    For optimization in V.a. immunologic sterility factors.
  • Long-term cryooptimization for tumor diseases
  • Blood flow analysis of the uterus with color Doppler ultrasound
    Selection of mature sperm for ICSI.
  • 3-D color Doppler analysis of the uterus
    Optimization of the transfer process and determination of the optimal embryo transfer point
  • EmbryoGlue
    Prevention of implantation and nutritional disorders in the early embryonic phase / implantation phase using special culture medium.

We will be happy to discuss directly with you which optimization procedures will help you on your way to a desired child.
Call us to make an appointment at 0721 8246 700